
A Cornelia veterinarian explores rich memories of becoming a veterinarian, her veterinary education,and people and places along the way. Gain insights into the daily life of a small animal veterinarian in northeast Georgia.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We are the Economy

Oprah writes about AHA! Moments. You know what she means, those serendipitous moments. Today I was talking with my accountant, and the conversation got around to the economy and all the news about it.

The aha! moment came when he said, "You are the economy!" My hospital is a small business, and the future of the U.S. economy depends on all the small businesses all over the country. I think it is very exciting to realize that Northeast Veterinary Hospital is the economy. I will strive to make very responsible decisions concerning the hospital since I realize we are the economy. Why did I not realize that before?


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