
A Cornelia veterinarian explores rich memories of becoming a veterinarian, her veterinary education,and people and places along the way. Gain insights into the daily life of a small animal veterinarian in northeast Georgia.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Art of Diagnosing

Diagnosing is an art form. That is why we talk about the "practice" of veterinary medicine. You must listen carefully to what the owner is telling you. The complete examinination is another important part of the puzzle. The diagnosis is the answer to the "disease" puzzle. Often, patient samples are taken and laboratory tests are performed. Sometimes further patient information is sought in radiographs and ultrasound studies. All the pieces of information are put together implementing knowledge and experience. In difficult cases, all these pieces must be shuffled and re-shuffled to formulate a diagnosis.

These are the challenges we face and meet everyday. These coupled with our love of animals is what makes us tick.


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