
A Cornelia veterinarian explores rich memories of becoming a veterinarian, her veterinary education,and people and places along the way. Gain insights into the daily life of a small animal veterinarian in northeast Georgia.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Housecall Gone Wrong

I had a surprize visit from a client of many years ago. She was updating me about her family, and maybe looking for a kitty. We relived a housecall I made to treat her son's dog. The patient had a laceration, and I planned to sedate him to suture the wound. I carefully explained to the teenage boy how important it was to hold the dog securely to prevent it wandering off.

The young man's attention span was shorter than anticipated, and you guessed it. The patient escaped into the crawl space beneath the house and found a comfortable place to sleep off the sedative. There was nothing left for me to do but return to the hospital. I laugh everytime I remember that housecall.



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