
A Cornelia veterinarian explores rich memories of becoming a veterinarian, her veterinary education,and people and places along the way. Gain insights into the daily life of a small animal veterinarian in northeast Georgia.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Paralytic With Fear

Recently following a physical examination (my exam by an MD), the physician told me he would discuss the exam in his office across the hall. I have been a patient in this medical practice since 1981, and never have I discussed anything in any of the doctor's offices.

I was really shook up. What horrible disease had been discovered during the physical exam that had to be discussed in his office? I was so shaky, I could hardly walk into the next office. This was just like in the movies, and now the bad news was going to be delivered.

Fortunately, my imagination had gotten out of control. I did not receive life threatening news, the doctor merely had several veterinary questions for me.


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