Mentoring Veterinary Students on an Empty Stomach
Dr. Dave is now a veterinarian, and I feel I had some influence upon his career choice. My family often visited him while we planned his career strategy. On one particular visit, we were joined by a group of marine archaeologists from the University of South Carolina. They were researching a nearby shipwreck.
Much to our surprise, the marina on Fripp Island radioed Dave that his friends had requested assistance from the Coast Guard. We had no idea what was happening. My family stayed by the radio while Dave cast off for the Marina.
The University of South Carolina ship did not sink, and no one drowned but there was one bunch of upset scientists. They stormed into the house and grabbed all their gear and had Dave take them back to Fripp Island so they could leave immediately. Dave hurriedly returned to Pritchard's Island before the tide turned and marooned him on Fripp for the night.
Upon entering the kitchen to prepare dinner for my family and a hungry, exhausted Dave, I found no food! In their hasty retreat, the upset scientists had taken not only their food, but our food as well. One lonely potato remained to be divided between five famished people.