Years ago, a beautiful white Persian was presented to Northeast Veterinary Hospital because the distraught owner had lost her needle while sewing. The aforementioned kitty was lounging nearby her owner, very interested in the sewing process. This kitty had no signs of sickness. It was the concern of the owner about the missing needle that had to be addressed.
Radiographs solved the problem of the location of the needle. There it was in the kitty's large intestines mixed with a lot of digested food. (That's the nice way to say it.) Since the patient seemed to be in charge of the problem, I suggested the owner watch the kitty litter pan carefully to see if the needle was passed.
The suspense was too much for the owner. Within 24 hours, she insisted upon surgery to retrieve the needle. Fortunately, the radiographs were repeated and to our surprise the needle was missing again. You guessed it--the missing needle had been over looked in the litter pan.