Everyone said if you can walk you can snow shoe, but I had my doubts. It couldn't be that easy, but it was. I have only fallen once, and I was standing still when that happened. Philip & I have been exploring all the trails and closed roads around Red River.
If you have never tried snow shoeing, I highly recommend this activity. It is so much fun, and it is easy. If you have ever tried walking around on tennis rackets, you know exactly what snow shoeing feels like. The forest trails are so quiet and beautiful. The only sounds are the squishing of the snow shoes in the snow. However, there is the occasional "click & clack" when the edges of the snow shoes hit each other. I know you are not supposed to let that happen, but I get carried away and forget my feet. You must remember to maintain a wide stance.
In addition to being great fun, snow shoeing is also a fantastic exercise. Very invigorating. This is my new favorite activity.